5 things you didn’t know about Rhinoplasty

Thinking of a rhinoplasty?  Here are 5 facts that may interest you.

1.  It can be “Scarless”

12524965_f520Well, there IS a scar, but it is well-hidden within the nostrils. Also known as
closed rhinoplasty, it has the edge over traditional open rhinoplasty for having less downtime and swelling. But if your nose needs more complex improvements or if you want a more dramatic change, open rhinoplasty may be the answer. Open rhinoplasty leaves a scar across the skin between the nostrils. Although it is an external scar, it is often inconspicuous after a few months.

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2.  It is more than just Cosmetic


Apart from enhancing the nose, rhinoplasty can correct a crooked nose (from trauma or if you have cleft lip) or help you breathe better. When the nose has a bent septum or a collapse roof, breathing can be obstructed and a “functional” nose job can fix this.

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3.   Go for a Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty if you’re not ready for surgery

With fillers and threads, you can achieve a higher bridge and a more defined tip, without going under the knife. It’s suitable for those who seek subtle improvements. At SW1 clinic, doctors use ideal nose and facial proportions in their planning and treatment. Be it the Infinity Nose Threadlift, or 3D Nose Lift, where fillers and threads are used together for a more harmonious look, these non-surgical weapons can deliver powerful, yet natural, results.  For some noses, nonetheless, the best (and permanent) solution may be surgery. Your doctor will advise which technique will achieve the result you desire.

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4.  Wait a few months to see the final results

After surgical rhinoplasty, most of the swelling will subside by 1-2 weeks, depending on what was done for your nose during the surgery. The final look, though, may only be apparent after 6 months. So don’t fret if you don’t see the result you want early on.

5.  Go for Hybrid Rhinoplasty if you want a natural, refined result
032417_kim_tae_hee_harpers_02A nose implant alone can give a higher bridge and tip.  But in reality, most Asians have round, flat and wide nose tips and need more than an implant to achieve the desired result.  The ideal nose has a feminine curved bridge (straight for men) and a defined tip.  The way to achieve this is a hybrid rhinoplasty, combining the powers of an implant to raise the bridge and using your own cartilage for a tip-plasty, to refine the tip.

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